Wearing Socks To Bed Affects The Body In A Way We Didn't Suspect

During those freezing cold winter nights, you’ve probably bundled up in bed with a blanket or two in a bid to keep toasty. And on those evenings when Jack Frost is doing his worst, you may have even fallen asleep with your socks on – even though it’s often discouraged if you want to get some proper rest.

Sleeping with socks

After all, at some point, you could wake up with sweaty feet – not a pleasant sensation at the best of times. And there indeed are ways in which wearing socks to bed does affect our sleep – although those side effects probably aren’t quite what you’d expect.

Impacts our rest

Yes, research suggests that keeping socks on as we doze – either deliberately or inadvertently – can make a substantial difference to the quality of our rest. And parents the world over are probably glad to hear this after having told their youngsters – maybe on numerous occasions – to remove their footwear at bedtime.

Lack of sleep

Of course, moms and dads know how important a good night’s sleep is. And as we grow older and some of us become parents ourselves, we too often give out the same advice. If you fail to get in enough Zs, you see, even the smallest of everyday tasks can become overly difficult.

Real health risks

In fact, bad sleep can have alarming repercussions in many aspects of our lives. According to a 2018 Medical News Today piece by family nurse practitioner Kathleen Davis, an insufficient amount of rest “can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, emotional difficulties, poor job performance, obesity and a lowered perception of quality of life.”